<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Math |
Functions |
Syntax |
Instructions |
Examples |
abs |
abs(number) |
Returns the absolute value of the given data |
For example: abs(-7) = 7 abs(col['sales']) |
acos |
acos(number) |
Returns the inverse cosine function value of the parameter. The parameter range is [-1, 1]. An error will be reported if it is not in the domain |
For example: acos(-1) = 3.14159265358979 acos(col['angle']) |
asin |
asin(number) |
Returns the arcsine function value of the parameter. The parameter range is [-1, 1]. An error will be reported if it is not in the domain |
For example: asin(1) = 1.570796326795 asin(col['angle']) |
atan |
atan(number) |
Returns the arctangent function value of the argument. |
For example: atan(0) = 0 atan(col['angle']) |
atan2 |
atan2(number x, number y) |
Returns the arc tangent of the x and y axes of the specified coordinate axis |
For example: atan2(2,1) = 1.10714871779409 atan2(col['x'],col['y']) |
ceiling |
ceiling(number , number significance) |
Returns the parameter rounded up(in the direction of absolute value increase) to the nearest multiple of the specified base |
For example: ceiling(3.1415, 1)=4.0 |
cos |
cos(number) |
Returns the cosine of the argument |
For example: cos(3.1415962/4)=0.707 cos(col['angle']) |
cot |
cot(number) |
Returns the cotangent of an angle. Specify the angle in radians
For example:cot(pi() /4) = 1 |
degrees |
degrees(number) |
Converts a given number in radians to degrees |
For example: degrees(pi()/4) = 45.0 |
exp |
exp(number) |
returns the exponent value base e |
For example: exp(2)=7.389 |
floor |
floor(number , number significance) |
Returns the parameter rounded down(in the direction of absolute value reduction) to the nearest multiple of the specified base |
For example: floor(3.1415,1)floor(3.1415,1)=3.0 |
ln |
ln(number) |
returns the natural logarithm of the parameter |
For example: ln(exp(5))=5 |
log |
log(number , number base) |
Returns the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base |
For example: log(256, 2) = 8 |
pi |
pi() |
Returns the numeric constant pi |
For example: pi() = 3.1415926 |
power |
power(number , number power) |
Returns the power of a given number |
For example: power(5,2)=25 |
radians |
radians(number) |
Returns the radian angle in degrees |
For example: radians(180) = 3.14159 |
randbetween |
randbetween(number x, number y) |
Returns a random integer greater than or equal to the specified minimum value and less than the specified maximum value |
For example: randbetween(1, 100) |
round |
round(number , int accurate) |
Returns a number rounded to a specified number of digits |
For example: round(3.1415, 1)=3.1 |
roundDown |
roundDown(number,int) |
Round down numbers by specified digits |
For example: roundDown(3.1316, 3)=3.131 |
roundUp |
roundUp(number,int) |
Rounds up to the specified number of digits after the specified number of digits |
For example: roundUp(3.1312, 3) = 3.132 |
sign |
sign(number) |
Returns the sign of a number. Returns 1 if the number is positive, 0 if it is zero, and -1 if it is negative |
For example: sign(10) = 1 |
sin |
sin(number) |
Returns the sine of the argument |
For example: sin(pi() / 2) = 1 |
sqr |
sqr(number) |
Returns the squared value of the given data |
For example: sqr(2) = 4) |
sqrt |
sqrt(number) |
Returns the square root of the argument |
For example: sqrt(16) = 4 |
tan |
tan(number) |
Returns the tangent of the argument |
For example: tan(pi()/4) = 1 |
trunc |
trunc(number,int) |
truncates the decimal part of the value and returns an integer |
For example: trunc(3.1312, 2)=3 |