Python Configuration

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Python Configuration

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Python computing can also be connected to the Pyserver of another computer through a remote connection. A remote Python connection requires the IP, port, and system of the remote computer (that is, the computer where Python is installed). If the remote computer has a username and password, you must enter the username and password. After configuration, you can use remote Python for data analysis locally.

The Python calculation configuration interface of the system settings page in the management system module is shown below:


【System】support Liunx and Windows. 

【Server Address】IP address of the server installed with Python.

【Port】The default port number is 8099.

【Server Login】When it is clicked, the user name and password input box are under input state.

【User】Username used for verifying the Python connection permission.

【Password】Enter the password corresponding to the user name.

【Test Connection】Test whether Pyserver is connected successfully.

【Save Connection】Save current settings to connect to Pyserver.