Configuration of Toolbar Attribute of Yonghong Z-Suite

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Configuration of Toolbar Attribute of Yonghong Z-Suite

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Setting of hiding button 

The user can set whether the "Home", "Exit" and other buttons in the upper-right corner of navigation bar in homepage are hidden.

Configure the attribute: in xxx can be true or false, and the default value is false. If the value is true, all buttons are hidden; if the value is false, all buttons are displayed. 

The user can individually set whether the “exit”button is hidden or not, and it will be hidden in the drop-down list of individual setting.

You can configure the attribute: to hide button. xxx can be true or false, and the default value is false. When the value is true, the button "exit" is hidden; when the value is false, the button "exit" is displayed. 


Setting of hiding greeting

The user can set whether the greetings (Good morning, etc.) at the homepage of product portal are hidden or not. 

Configure the attribute: in xxx can be true or false, and the default value is false. If the value is true, the greetings is hidden; if the value is false, the greetings is displayed. 


Setting of hiding browser toolbar of Mobile

The user can set whether the toolbar is hidden or not when opening dashboard in mobile browser. 

Configure the attribute: phone.browser.showToolbar=xxx in xxx can be true or false, and the default value is true. If the value is true, the toolbar is displayed; if the value is false, the toolbar is hidden. 


Setting of displaying DB toolbar

The user can add a global parameter so that the toolbar can be maintained while previewing dashboard and viewing dashboard. 

Configure the attribute: float.toolbar=xxx in xxx can be true or false, and the default value is true. If the value is true, the toolbar is floating while previewing dashboard and viewing dashboard; if the value is false, the toolbar remains on DB. 

For example:Configure the attribute: float.toolbar=false, the dashboard (industry case/portal case/transportation status analysis) in preview mode is shown below:
