Set Priority for Job

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Set Priority for Job

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Note: This feature is only supported by Z-Suite and Y-Vivid Show. This feature is not available in X-Suite and Y-Reporting.

Set the priority for the job. 5 levels optional: Min, low, medium, high, max. It is low by default. In case of competitive resources, the order of job execution can be based on the following principles: Determine which job should be performed first according to the user priority; if the users have the same priority, the job with higher priority will be executed first. In order to avoid that the jobs with low priority cannot be executed for long time, job priority of the operation will be adjusted dynamically so that the job priority can be improved as the waiting time increases. After the priority reaches a certain level, it will be executed successfully so as to avoid waiting too long or execution failure. 

Description: The job priority has nothing to do with the priority of the dependent dashboard.
