E-mail Notification Configuration

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E-mail Notification Configuration

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The user can set the function of e-mail notification when the distributed mart node breaking out.

Configure the following attribute: node.dead.send.email=xxx in bi.properties, xxx can be true or false, and the default value is false. When xxx is false, it does not send e-mail notifications; while xxx is true, e-mail notifications will be sent to the user if the node in MPP is dead. When the node in MPP collapsed, the Naming node could sense the status of other nodes. Therefore, the Naming node can send e-mail when it found that the node failed, but naming node itself could not send e-mail.


The user can set the function of e-mail notification when the job running fail in schedule tasks.

Configure the following attribute: task.fail.send.email=xxx in bi.properties, xxx can be true or false, and the default value is false. If xxx is false, there will no notification be sent to user when running the job fails in schedule tasks; while xxx is true, the email notification will be sent to user automatically when running the job fails in schedule tasks.

The configuration related email is as follows: 









The first attribute is used to configure the Mail server; the second attribute is used to configure whether the Mail server needs to login, and the value must be true; the third attribute is used to configure the port of the Mail server; the fourth attribute is used to configure the Email address of sender; the fifth attribute is used to configure the password of user's mail; the sixth attribute is used to configure the email address of recipient; the seventh attribute is used to configure the address of CC; the eighth attribute is used to configure whether the server's SSL needs to be selected, and the default value is false.