<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Global Function |
Function |
Description |
Example |
newInstance |
Create an object instance. newInstance (String classname); |
var a=newInstance(query); |
isNull |
Check if the object is null. isNull (Object obj); |
var a=isNull(query); |
isNumber |
Check if the object is numeric. isNumber(Object val); |
var a=isNumber(query); |
isDate |
Check if the object is of date type. isDate(Object val) |
var a=isDate(sell_date); |
getWeek |
Returns the week of the year from the Date object. |
var d = new Date("July 10, 2012 01:15:00"); var a=getWeek(d); |
getDate |
Returns a java date |
var d = new Date("July 21, 1983 01:15:00"); var a=getDate(d); |
cloneDate |
Copy date |
var d = new Date("July 21, 1983 01:15:00"); var a=cloneDate(d); |
formatDate |
Set the display format for the date. formatDate(Object val,String fmtstr); |
var date= new Date("July 21, 1983 01:15:00"); var a=formatDate(date,"yyyy-MM-dd mm:hh"); |
parseDate |
A string that resolves a date and returns the number of milliseconds between that date and midnight on January 1, 1970 |
var str = "1991-10-01"; parseDate(str, "yyyy-MM-dd"); |
dateAdd |
dateAdd is used to add a specified time interval to the date |
var date= new Date("July 21, 1983 01:15:00"); var d=dateAdd(date,"month",1);//增加一月 |
dateGap |
The difference between the two dates, supportyear /quarter/month/weekofyear/ dayofyear(dayofmonth/dayofweek) /hour minute /second |
var date= new Date("July 21, 2012 01:15:00"); var date2= new Date("June 10, 2012 01:15:00"); var a =dateGap(date,date2,"month"); |
datePart |
Take out the values of the year, month, day, etc. |
var date= new Date("July 21, 1983 01:15:00"); var a=datePart(date,"year");//a=1983 |
split |
Split the string into an array of strings. split(String str, String delim, Object limit); |
var str="How are you doing today?"; var b=str.split(" "); The result is How,are,you,doing,today? |
split2Array |
Split the string into an array of strings. |
var a ="How are you"; var b=split2Array(a,2); |
formatNumber |
Functions can return expressions that are formatted as numbers. |
var a =formatNumber(498.8573945,"#,##0.##");Can output: 498.86 |
toString |
You can convert a logical value to a string and return the result. |
var b=2.34; var a =toString(b); |
substring |
Returns a new string that is a substring of this string. |
var b=”Hello world”; var a =b.substring(0,3); |
sqr |
Square the data. sqr(Object val); |
var a=sqr(2);//a=4 |
sqrt |
Returns the square root of the given data. sqrt(9); |
var a=sqrt(9);//a=3 |
abs |
Returns the absolute value of the given data. abs(-7); |
var a=abs(-7);//a=7 |
debug |
Prints information to the log file. debug(Object msg); |
debug("msg"); |
execute |
Run a query. Execute (Scriptable script, int type, String path)//Scriptale script is the scope of the script, type is the type of the query |
var data=execute(this, Embed, "query1"); |
preExecute |
Pre-compile a query first preExecute(Scriptablescript,inttype,Stringpath,Object allcols) |
var a=preExecute(this,SQL,"data",true); var b=executed(a); setData("Table1",b,DATA); |
executed |
Run a pre-compiled query executed(Object executedID) |
var a=preExecute(this,SQL,"data",true); var b=executed(a); setData("Table1",b,DATA); |
removeExecuted |
Delete pre-compiled queries removeExecuted(Object executedID) |
var a=preExecute(this,SQL,"data",true); var b=removeExecuted(a); var c=executed(a); setData("Table1",c,DATA); |
join |
Connect two data and connect two queries. join(Scriptable scope, int jhint, int jop, Object jleft, Object jright, Object jlkeys, Object jrkeys, Object jlcols, Object jrcols) |
For example: join(this, FINAL_JOIN | LEFT_MAIN, LEFT_JOIN, lt, rt, lkeys, rkeys, lcols, rcols); |
union |
Merge two data networks, merge multiple data networks, and find intersections.union (Scriptable scope, Object ugrids) |
Union(this, [a, b]); |
columns |
Extracting N columns from the data network forms a new data network.columns (Scriptable scope, Object cgrid, Object ccols) |
columns(this, query1, [3,1] );//Remove the 3rd and 1st columns in query1 to form a new data network |
sort |
Sort data network-specific data segments.sort (Scriptable scope, Object sgrid, Object scols, Object sascs) |
sort(this, query1, [3,1], [SORT_DESC, SORT_ASC]);//The first column is descending and the first column is ascending. |
embed |
The array is converted to an embedded query. embed(Object val) |
var a=[["编号","2","3"],["姓","wang","yao"]]; var b=embed(a); setData("Table1",b,DATA); |
toArray |
The columns in the query are converted to arrays. toArray(Object gobj,Object cobj) |
var query1=execute(this,SQL, 'coffee3'); var a=toArray(query1,"product"); data=compare("Decaf Espresso",a[0]); |
position |
Convert longitude and latitude to a long integer for storage. position(Object ox, Object oy) |
position(10, 10); |
putGlobal |
Global constants. putGlobal(String key,Object val) |
putGlobal("a",1) var c=a; |
toSQLDate |
Ordinary date converted to SQL supported timestamp |
var a=new Date("January 12,2006 22:19:35"); var b=toSQLDate(a, DType.TIME).toString(); |
indexOf |
Returns the first occurrence of a specified string value in a string |
var a="my hello world!" var b=a.indexOf("hello"); |
substring |
Returns a subset of the string at a specified location. |
var a = "Hello World"; substring(a, 1, 3); |
toDate |
Convert background fetch time to another time |
var a=param["date"]; var b=toDate(a).toString().substring(0,10); |
aggregates |
Grouping data results into new data results |
var a = execute(this, SQL, "Coffee"); var bcol1 = new BCol("TYPE", STRING, true); var bcol2 = new BCol("COGS", DOUBLE, false); var dimCol = new DimCol(bcol1); var meaCol = new MeasureCol(SUM, bcol2, null); var b = aggregates(this, a,[dimCol],[meaCol]) setData("Table1", b, DATA); |