Add Group

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Add Group

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If there is no group in the group management interface, the new group interface will be automatically displayed in the right area; if there is a group in the group management interface, you can click the“New”button to enter the new group interface, as shown in the following figure:


【Name】Set the name of the group, and it is mandatory. Groups in different paths can be the same name, groups and users can be the same name, and groups and roles can be the same name.

【Parent Group】Set the parent group for this group. The group under the root directory is default added, that is, the parent group shows root.

【Add/Edit Role】It is the same as the add or edit role of the user management. When the group inherits the roles of the parent group, the role information will show the role inherited from the parent group, but the role is grayed out and not editable.

【Delete Role】It is the same as the delete role of the user management. Inherited roles cannot be deleted.

【Add/Edit User】Click the "Add/Edit User" button in the user information to enter the add user dialog , The dialog box is displayed in the form of a list, which can show the specific information of each user. Select the corresponding user to add it, the added user will be displayed in the user information. The admin cannot be placed under any group.



When the number of users grouped is greater than 10, the user information displays only 10 roles, which can be viewed by clicking the "more" button, as shown in the following figure:


When editing grouping information, the more button appears as., when the mouse points. "to display total *** user ", as shown in the following figure:


【Delete User】After the user is added, the "Delete" icon will appear when the mouse is hovered over the user, and the user can click it to delete the added user.

【Save】The saved group will show to the group management homepage, and the group's icon is newgroup61.

【Cancel】Cancel new or edit group.

【New Subgroup】When the mouse is hovering over the group, the“More”icon will appear. Click“New”in the“More”icon to enter the new subgroup interface. The parent group is default displayed in the parent group. Other information is the same as the new group interface, as shown in the following figure:

