Common Configuration Property

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Common Configuration Property

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There are two configuration files in one distributed data mart system: local property configuration (Local Properties) and Global property configuration (Global Properties). 

The local property configuration file is the necessary property file for the node of every machine. By default, it is saved at {bi.home}/ and bi.home path is the directory relative to the installation path YH\Yonghong\bihome. 

mem.serial.mem=700 defines the size of memory block that can be distributed to the memory calculation, and the unit is M. 

mem.proc.count=2 Defines the CPU number that can do the memory calculation.

The global property configuration file saves all the property files shared by all machine groups. It is saved at {bi.home}/ by default. and bi.home is the directory of corresponding installation path YH\Yonghong\bihome. 

dc.rows.max=20000 defines the maximum row returned by the result, and defines the maximum waiting time of communication between nodes of two machines. 

dc.task.timeout=180000 defines the maximum time of completing one task. If the task is not completed within the above time limit, the system will try to re-distribute the task.        defines whether the lost file needs to be recovered.

Common Optimization Methods

-Xms        size of initial heap

-Xmx         size of maximum heap

-Xmn         size of young generation (1.4 or later)

CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70 uses cms as the garbage collection, and CMS collection starts after 70% of usage

NewRatio is the ratio (permanent generation excluded) between young generation (Including Eden and two Survivor spaces) and tenured generation