Copy Role Permissions

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Copy Role Permissions

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Copy Role Permissions

Permissions on a role support replication, that is, all permissions on one role can be copied to another role.

When permissions are set on a role, the title of the permission information displays a button for replication permissions. When a role does not have any permissions, a button for replication permissions is not displayed.

The location of the Copy Permission button, as shown in the following figure:


Click the “Copy” button to pop up the dialog with the copy permission, as shown in the following figure:



After checking, click OK to copy the permissions of this role to the roles checked in the dialog box. You can check one role or multiple roles at the same time.



There is a role role1 and a role role2, that copies the permissions of the role role1 to the role role2.

1. Role1  has read and write permission to dashboard "Demos for Industries / Insurance", and role2 has read and write permission to "Theme" root directory. As shown in the following figure:

    Permissions for  role1:



    Permissions for  role2:


2. Copy the permissions of the role1 to the role2: by selecting the role1, and clicking the copy button. In the pop-up dialog box, check the role2, click OK.


3. The replication success dialog box will pop up when the copy permission is complete.


4. Select  role2, to view permissions on  role2. The  role2 has read and write permissions for the dashboard "Demos for Industries / Insurance" and read and write permissions for the "Theme" root directory.




Replication permission is a new copy permission, but does not overwrite the old one.