User login for groupAdmin_role to create roles

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User login for groupAdmin_role to create roles

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The user of the groupAdmin_role role can create the role after logging in, and the created role can be assigned to the users of this group, as illustrated below:


Premise: there are user u1 and u2 under group g1, where u1 is groupAdmin_role user and u2 is ordinary user.

1.  Admin login, and set the read and write permission of the “Dashboard” root directory to u1;


2. u1 login, enter role management, create new role u1 _ role, and give  u1 _ role of the read and write permission of the dashboard folder “Typical Function Examples”;


3. u1_role is given to user u2;


4. u2 login, go to view dashboard, can see dashboard folder "Typical Function Example".
