Statistical Analysis

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Statistical Analysis

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Statistical Analysis

This statistical analysis refers to the plug-in operator of Y-AI, including four operators: t test, analysis of variance, chi-square test and correlation analysis.


The data is subjected to T-test, which is mainly used for normal distribution with small sample size and unknown population standard deviation. The T-test uses the t distribution theory to infer the probability of the difference, so as to compare whether the difference between two averages is significant.

Parameter list: Modify various calculation methods of t test by changing parameters.

Output list: The conclusion can be viewed through the connection table view.


Analysis of Variance

Determine whether one or more categorical factors have a significant impact on the experimental results.

Parameter list: set the p value. If the P value of the factor is less than the preset value, the factor has a significant impact on the result, otherwise there is no significant impact.

Output list: conclusions and variance analysis results can be viewed through the connected table view.


Chi-square Test

Analyze whether the relationship between two categorical variables is significant

Parameter list: Whether to enable Yates continuity correction.

Output list: The conclusion can be viewed through the connection table view.


Analysis of Correlation

Analysis of Correlation (correlation analysis) is to study whether there is a certain dependency between phenomena, and to explore the relevant direction and degree of the specific dependent phenomena, and it is a statistical method to study the correlation between random variables. There are three calculation methods for correlation measurement: Pearson, Kendall, Spearman.

Parameter list: select the calculation method.

Output list: correlation analysis matrix. It can be viewed by connecting table view and picture view.
