Resource Deployment

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Resource Deployment

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The system has many user resources, including dashboards, connections, data sets, experiments, training models, portal components, portal styles, schedule tasks, themes, format tables etc. If the user needs to migrate resources from one system to another, the resource needs to be packaged and exported, and then imported into the new system, which is known as deployment. The resources are dependent to each other. After select some resources, you also need to provide dependent resources to the user. Resources importing needs to be validated. Display all the resources and dependencies in the package. The user can cancel or not cover the existing resources. This version supports the importing and exporting of dashboards, connections, data sets, portal components, portal styles, schedule tasks, themes, format tables,and images. Deployment of more resources will be added in accordance with the requirements in the future.


Enter Resource Deployment Interface

1. Click the quick start shortcut of Yonghong Z-Suite.

2.  Open a browser, and then input http://hostname:8080/bi/Viewer in the address bar to log in the client. Hostname herein refers to your machine name. For local machine access, localhost can be used. 8080 is the default port number. If the default port number is changed during installation, type in the correct port number.

3.  Input the user name and password and then log in the home page.

4.  Click "Manage System" to access to the management system interface.

5.  After click the resource deployment button, enter the resource deployment interface.


