Attribute Configuration of Data Space

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Attribute Configuration of Data Space

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The user can configure attribute: file.system.cache.all=xxx in, where xxx can be true or false, and the default value is false. This attribute is only used when the data space is configured as database. There is a layer of cache near the database in the system. If file.system.cache.all=true is configured, all the information of each resource will be cached, otherwise only part of the information of all resources will be saved.

For example: there are now 100 users in the system. If you configure file.system.cache.all=true, all the information of each user will be cached, such as: username, mailbox, password, etc.; if you configure file.system.cache.all=false, only part of the information will be cached, such as: Username, mailbox, some other information will not be cached.


The number of cached resources

Configure the attribute: rep.keep.asset.limit=xxx in , where xxx is the number of resources that can be cached in the cache. The default value is 500. This attribute is the size of the cache that is configured close to the application layer when the data space is configured as database.