Desktop Title Configuration

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Desktop Title Configuration

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The title of Yonghong Desktop is Yonghong Desktop. Part of the title is controlled by the configuration file,  the other by the parameters.


The title controlled by the configuration file

Including: the title of the launch age and the title of confirm close window

Configuration: configure properties in \Yonghong Desktop\resources\app\config\default.yml appname: xxx. xxx is custom content, and UTF-8 encoding format is required when the custom content is Chinese.




The title controlled by the parameter

Including: Create Connection's title, Create Data set's title, Create Dashboard's title, View Dashboard's title, Schedule Tasks's title, Advanced Analytics's title, Manage System's title, Message Center's title and Personal Center's title.

Configuration: configure the attribute in file: desktop.window.title=xxx. xxx is custom content, and UTF-8 encoding format is required when the custom content is Chinese.

