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Note: Mobile Login  is the product advanced module, which needs to be purchased separately.

Note: Yonghong Desktop does not require login.



1. In the Windows environment, click the startup shortcut for Yonghong Z-Suite. In the Linux environment, execute sh startup.sh in the tomcat/bin directory to start the product.

2. Open a browser and enter http://hostname:8080/bi/Viewer in the address bar to log in to the client. Here the hostname is your IP. if it is local access, please enter the local IP. 8080 is the default port number. If you modified the default port number when installing the product, use the correct port number.

3. At present, there are two ways to log in, that is, account password login and mobile phone number login.

Account password login: Enter the user name and password to log in as shown in the following figure:


     When the user's password does not meet the password rule, a prompt box indicating that the password verification will not pass will pop up, as shown in the following figure:


    Click  “Modify”, and the prompt box for changing the password will pop up. Enter the old password, the new password, confirm the password, and click Save to modify the user's password.


     If the user does not want to verify the weak password, it can be implemented by modifying the parameter prompt.weak.pwd=false in bi.properties. See weak password prompt configuration for details.

Mobile phone number login: need to enter mobile phone number and dynamic verification code, login. As shown in the following figure:


Note:The short message verification code needs to be configured with a docking platform, that is, the configuration of the short message platform is added in the bi. properties, including the platform account name and the password;

For example: Chuanglan's SMS platform is configured as follows:user name :sms.def.sender.account=N0140250  password:sms.def.sender.pw=uAkRtiTLBK5f79

If you are a short message platform that is docked, you need to record a custom class name.


Timeout during use after logging into the product

In order to protect user's data security and relieve the pressure of the server, when the system does not operate for a long time after logging in, the system will log out after overtime and need to log in again to continue using it.

1.The login timeout means that the system has not been operated for a long time after login. After the set timeout threshold (see point 2) is reached, the system enters the timeout state.

2.When the login times out, you need to re-enter the user name and password to continue using it. The dashboard that was saved before the timeout will be listed in a pop-up dialog box. You can choose to restore it. For details, see the Dashboard below.

3.You can modify the login timeout time by modifying the parameter value in the bi.properties file. For example: change the login timeout to 10 minutes, you need to add a line to the bi.properties file, secure.session.timeout=600000, and then restart the product.

4.When the system enters the login timeout state, continue to operate the product will prompt login expired.

5. After you click OK, you will enter the login page and re-enter your user name/password to log in.


Login page stays too long timeout

1. If the login page is placed for a long time, usually 1 minute, you need to re-enter the user name and password to login.

2. The login page placement time can be configured by the property login.page.expire.time. The default value is 60000 in milliseconds.

Login.page.expire.time=60000, Login page not logged in within one minute, login again, need to re-enter user name and password to login.