Data Types and Classification

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Data Types and Classification

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Data of data source has the concept of data type. Depending on different data types, data presentation, the input of dialogue box, and the use of format are different correspondingly. Data types supported by Yonghong Z-Suite can be defined or modified on the page for creating data sets. The data source of numeric type with only 0 and 1 optional can be changed to Boolean type on the interface if it is shown as a Boolean type from the business logic.

After classifying the data type, it should be divided into two categories: dimension and measure. Dimension is generally used for data grouping, which represents one aspect. And Measure is used for summary statistics. Analyzing some numerical indicators on different aspects so that the data will be grouped into cubes. Through cube data filtering, it can be cut into small cubes, and a flat slice. Corresponding to the slice and section defined in OLAP of BI.

Dimension can be divided into layers. Depending on the level of the hierarchy, the user can drill up and down. In addition, Date Hierarchy is quite special. Date Hierarchy is to be implemented on the interface.    Data Binning is also a dimension field. It is common that you define a field for dividing data ranges and consider Data Binning as a dimension to analyze data. You can also define other fields for analysis, such as Expression , Date Hierarchy, and Data Binning. And dimension index calculator, detail index calculator, aggregate index calculator and dynamic calculator can be defined in the Create Dashboard interface

The existing supported data types include the following: Text(String, Char), Number(Long, Short, Integer, Byte, Float, Double),Date and Time(Date, Time, Timestamp), Boolean.

Data Type





Multiple arbitrary characters符


Single character

Single arbitrary character 



True, false


Long integer

64 digits, ranging from-263 to 263-1


Short integer

16 digits, ranging from-215 to 215-1



32 digits, ranging from-231 to 231-1



8 digits, ranging from -27 to 27-1


Float-point number with single precision

32 digits


Float-point number with double precision

64 digits









Date + Time: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

Besides the differences in data storage and presentation, there are some differences in the use of data types. For example, the data type may be Dimension or Measure by default, the axis type may be different in charts, the supported aggregation functions may be different, and so on.

The field types supported are differentiated depending on data set type. Multi-Dimensional Data Set only support expression and analysis algorithm (analysis algorithm is as shown in the "Advanced Analytics" section). The other data sets can support all the field types described as follows.