Assign permissions to actions

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Assign permissions to actions

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The Operation authorization information includes: Process Action, Connection Action, View Dashboard Action, Edit Dashboard Action, Component Action, Manager System Action, Create Data Set and the action of each module on the first page. Action can only authorize read permissions.

Workflow Action:It is to authorize the operation of process management separately;

Connection Action:Is a separate authorization for the action of  new table and  delete table,everyone_role by default has read permissions for connection action/ new table;

Data Action:It is a separate authorization for the operation of Lineage and Download Data;

View Dashboard Action:is a separate authorization for reporting-level actions,everyone_role by default has read permissions for dashboard action;

Edit Dashboard Action:is a separate authorization for Custom Theme & Share,everyone_role by default has read permissions for edit dashboard action/custom theme;

Component Action:is a separate authorization for component-level actions,everyone_role by default has read permissions for component action;

Manager System Action:It is to individually authorize each tab page of the manage system;

Create Data Set:is  a separate authorization for different types of data set actions,everyone_role by default has read permissions for component action;


Operation of each module on home page:Is to the home page each module, carries on the authorization,Include: Workflow,Data Form,FormUpload from Desktop,Create Connection, Create Data Set, Advanced Analytic, Create Dashboard, View Dashboard, Edit Portal, Schedule Tasks, Resource Deploy, System Manage,everyone_role by default has read permissions for view dashboard & Form&Upload from Desktop .