Assign permissions to resources

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Assign permissions to resources

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Resource authorization information includes:Dashboard, Connection, Data Set, Experiment, Trained Model,Composite Node, complex Dashboard,Portal,  Workflow Model, Image, Theme,Operator Plugin. Users can authorize read and write permissions for resources.


Connection:Is to authorize connections resources in the system;

Data Set:It is to authorize the data sets resources in the system;


   To enhance data security,Some restrictions have been made on data sets with only read permissions,As follows:

Data set type

When the logon user has only read permission for the data set

SQL data set

Graying operation:The table's right key refresh, SQL statement edit box, refresh metadata, save and Save As, synchronize DataSet data;

Invisible operation:Filter

mongo data set

Graying operation:Pipeline operation statement, refresh metadata, save, save as,synchronize DataSet data;

Invisible operation:Filter

Excel data set

Graying Upload, worksheet, Encoding Type, delimiter, start row, generate inverse Pivot Table, remove invalid row, row header level, list header level, refresh metadata, save, save as,synchronize DataSet data;

Invisible operation:Filter

script data set

Graying operation:script, refresh metadata, save, save as,synchronize DataSet data;

Invisible operation:Filter

data mart data set

Graying operation:Folder drop-down list, file filter,refresh metadata, save, save as,;

Invisible operation:Filter

embeded data set

Graying operation:Column name and data type, data editing, data column and data add, delete, move up, move down , refresh metadata, save, save as,synchronize DataSet data;

Invisible operation:Filter

composed data set 

Graying operation:A filter on a Subdataset、refresh metadata, save, save as,synchronize DataSet data;

Invisible operation:Filter

custom data set

Graying operation:refresh metadata, save, save as, synchronize DataSet data;

Invisible operation:Filter

self-service data set

Graying operation:Right-click menu of nodes, refresh metadata, save, save as, synchronize DataSet data;

Invisible operation:Filter

multi-dimensional data set

Graying operation:Select the right key for the cube to refresh, refresh metadata, save, save as, synchronize DataSet data;

Invisible operation:Filter

Experiment: It is a separate authorization to the experimental resources in the system;

Workflow model:It is a separate authorization to the Workflow model resources in the system;

Train model: It is a separate authorization to the training model resources in the system;

Operator Plugin:It is to separately authorize the Operator Plugin resources in the system. Note: The Operator Plugin has only read permission, not write permission;

Dashboard: a separate authorization for dashboard resources in a system. When a user has only read permission to a  dashboard, Do not see read-only dashboard in the edit dashboard, and a read-only report can be seen in the view dashboard. When view the mode in which the dashboard is edited, it is controlled by the property: Secure.access.check.strict=false, and when the value is true, opening a read-only report prompts an error, and the value false opens normally.

Composite node: the portal composite node in the system is authorized separately.

Complex dashboard: the portal component resource in the system is authorized separately. the everyone_role  has read permission of portal component by default;

Portal: a separate authorization of portal style resources in the system;

Image: Is a separate authorization for image resources in the system. the everyone_role  has read permission of image by default;

Theme: Is a separate authorization for theme resources in the system .The everyone_role  by default has read and write permissions for the theme.


Note: When the parent directory permissions of the resource are set to a user, the sub-directory permissions corresponding to this resource are automatically set to this user. For example: Select the report root and set permissions to user u1, which is equivalent to setting all subdirectories permissions under the report to user u1.