General Information

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General Information

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The general information records the data such as user behavior and resource in the system, you can understand the activity and usage status of the system as a whole, as shown in the following figure:

general info

【Number of Registered Users】The total number of users in the system.

【Number of Active Users Per Month】The total number of users accessing the system within one month.

【Total Visits】The total number of times that the user has accessed the system.

【Daily Visits】The total number of times that the user accesses the system on average from the start of the record to the day the check report is generated.

【Data Volume in Mart】The volume of data of all zb files generated by jobs entering the market, the unit is lines.

【Number of Data Mart Data Sets】The total number of data mart data sets in the system.

【Number of Dashboards】The total number of dashboard in the system.

【Regular Backup】Whether to backup bihome resources regularly, you can set the scheduled backup bihome resources in the Assets Backup of System Setting of System Management.

【Number of Cores】The number of CPU cores in the license used by the current node.

【Maximum Number of ZB Files】The total number of zb files in the folder with the largest number of zb files in all zb folders generated by jobs entering the market.

【Maximum Size of ZB File】The size of zb files or folders in all zb files or folders generated by jobs entering the market, the unit is MB.

【Number of Data Sets of Different Types】Displays the number of different types of data sets in the system in a histogram.



When the license used by the node does not have the data mart authority, there is no data volume in mart, the number of data mart data sets, the number of cores, the maximum number of zb files and the maximum size of zb file in the general information.