Asset Export

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Asset Export

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This module provides resource export function. The user can export the resources in jar file format. The resources can be exported include dashboards, connections, data sets, portal components, portal styles, schedule tasks, themes, format tables.

The user needs to set the name and description, information of the export jar file in the export interface, as well as the dashboards, connections, data sets, portal components, portal styles, schedule tasks, themes, format tables, themes and table styles to be imported. Export interface is as shown in the figure below.



【Name】Name of the jar file to be exported. It is a mandatory item.

【Description】Description information contained in the exported jar file.

【Optional list】All dashboards, connections, data sets, portal components, portal styles, schedule tasks, themes, format tables are listed in the optional list. Users can search for appropriate resources to add.

When the user selects the file in the optional list, the "add "button is active. After clicking this button, the selected file is added to the selected list.The add process displays a progress bar that prompts for progress. As shown in the following figure:



When the user selects the folder in the optional list, the "add all" button is activated. After clicking this button, all resources in this folder are added to the selected list.The add process displays a progress bar that prompts for progress. 


When there is content in the selected list, the "Delete all" button is activated, and when this button is clicked, all resources in the selected list are deleted.


When the user selects one or more files in the selected list, the Delete button is active. After clicking this button, the selected resource in the selected list is deleted.

【Selected list】This list lists the dashboards, connections, data sets, portal components, portal styles, schedule tasks, themes, format tables  that need to be exported to jar files.

【Dependent resource list】This list lists all the resources that the dashboard relies on. The user selects the resources that need to be exported to the jar file, and the unselected resources cannot be exported.

Users can search resources in the list by name.The user can filter the resources that need to be exported to the jar file.

 The checkbox at the top left of the list is a full check box. When selected, all options in the dependent resource list are selected.When unselected, none of the options in the dependent resource list are selected


Click the Export button and the selected and dependent resources are exported to the specified location. The export process also shows the progress bar, through the progress bar to know the progress of the export.

When a dependent resource does not exist or has no permissions, it appears as an option for graying in the list of dependent resources.When the dependent resource of the resource to be exported does not exist, it can be exported normally and will not be affected.