Export Database

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Export Database

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Note: This feature is only available in the Z-Suite and Y-Vivid Show product lines. This feature is not available in X-Suite and Y-Reporting.

Data Set results can be quickly export to a database. Data can also be export to a database by creating a scheduled job from the portal.

Right-click Result node and choose "Export Database" from the menu, as shown in the following figure.


[Data Set] name of the data set to be exported to a database

[Connection] Select an existing data source as required. The following database types are supported at present: MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, PostgreSQL, Derby, Gbase8a, Hana, GaussDB100, GaussDB200, AnalyticDB and Hive.

[Database] default database of the selected data source

[Schema] schema of the selected data source

[Table] Table name of the specified database. The data set result will be inserted into the table.

[Filter] conditions for filtering data sets

[Append] If you select this, the original data in the table already exists, and the data set results are directly added to the table. Otherwise, the original data in the table will be deleted, and the result of the data set will be inserted directly into the table.