Database Configuration

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Database Configuration

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Select the component corresponding to the field. When filling in the form, the data will be directly written to the database. The current version only supports writing data from Oracle, Mysql, DB2, SQLServer, PostgreSQL, Derby, Gbase8a, Hana, GaussDB100, GaussDB200 and AnalyticDB database.

[Select data source] to set the data source to be written.

[Select data table] to set the database table to be written.

[Database field lists] all field names of the selected table.

[Field type] lists the field types of the corresponding fields in the table. Number is the numerical type, string is the string type, and date is the date time type.

[Component] to set the value of a component into the field of a specific table, type matching is required. If the component type does not match the field type, a prompt will be given, and the setting of the component will be automatically discarded.
