Parameter Component

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Parameter Component

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This chapter introduces the reporting operations of parameter components, including "text parameter", "listBox"(parameter default in list form) and "comboBox" (parameter default in drop-down list form).


Scenario: new user registration, students enter information by themselves


Add Components

Add parameter components to the dashboard and enter information in the components (it is recommended to set a meaningful name for each parameter component for easy identification). In this case, the components of text parameter, text parameter of date type and comboBox (parameter default in drop-down list form) are used, and the effect is as follows:



❖ Set Form Parameter

Refer to the "Set Parameter Component for Reporting" section, create a submission called "myForm", and the setting is as shown in the figure:



After saving the settings, select the submission component, set the button type to "Submit Data to Database", and the parameter to "myForm" newly created in the above:



❖ Insert Data into Database

After saving the above dashboard, open it in view dashboard, enter the data: Lucy, 2015-11-08, 157000000000, and click Commit.



Refresh the database table to see the inserted data:
