Set the ComboBox format

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Set the ComboBox format

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Component format

Select the ComboBox, click General in the right panell of the edit report, select the component style, as shown below


[Format] is used to set the display format of the bound data segment. If a date type data segment is bound, the date format can be set by the date option, or a currency symbol can be added to the data.

[Font] Sets the font of the text in the component.

[Color] Sets the background color and foreground color for the component.



[Hide Title / Show Title] Hides the title of the ComboBox. After hiding the title filtered by the list, the title of the ComboBox can be displayed again.

[Location] You can select Left/Top, which is the position of the component title when the layout is pulled down, as shown below.


The title is on the Left:


The title is at the Top:



[Wide/High] When the title is at the top/inside, the height and width of the title can be set separately, and the overall width and height of the component are unchanged.